Fantastic Mr. Fox Opens Today!

Fantastic Mr. Fox has been in limited release in the U.S., and today it opens nation wide.

Fantastic Mr. Fox

To celebrate, you can take a look at all of our Mr. Fox posts by going here, and if you see the film today give us your reactions in the comments below or on Twitter or Facebook.

Enjoy the film!

Site updates


First, great news: our Facebook group has reached 1,000 members! Show your school spirit and join!

You can now follow us on Twitter

We are organizing a Wes Anderson Film Festival. A few years back, a group of Yankee Racers met online and watched the films of Wes Anderson together. We are doing it again and need your feedback!

More news:

  • The gallery is back up and working. Send your images and scans to edwardappleby @!
  • The film scripts, press kits, and credits are now available in the library.
  • In addition to the normal radio station powered by, we have added a second channel of music from our Academy Books Music Room (sponsored by Amazon).

And, don’t forget that the Wes Webicon contest is still on!  I will post some new entries later today.

Have you…

… visited our community forum The Yankee Racers lately?

… joined our Facebook group?

… bookmarked our Amazon link, so that your purchases there support the site?

… submitted your entry for the Yankee Journal?

… signed The Darjeeling Limited Criterion petiton?

… subscribed to our feed?

… requested an e-mail address by e-mailing edwardappleby[at]yankeeracers[dot]org?

We’re only sleeping

I am alive. I just haven’t seen much news lately. See any? Report it,

We were thinking of putting out an online art/literary magazine, maybe the first to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Rushmore? Short stories, poems, art, etc. If you are interested, contact me.

Our group is really making a go at it over at Facebook. Almost 400 members! Join us.


Dateline Paris: Wes sighting

Friend of the site Elaine, who is studying living abroad in France for a year, saw Mr. Wes Anderson at fnac this past weekend. She kindly posted some photographs on our Facebook group, which I have stolen reproduced here.




Vive le Wes!

We need a Facebook logo

We need a logo for our Facebook group. We would like you to design it. Send your logo (150 x 150 or so) to We will pick the best submission as our logo. No deadline, but we will pick one when it strikes us as ‘the one.’