The Musical Wes Anderson: The Rolling Stones – “2000 Man”

We’ve been off for a month, and for The Musical Wes Anderson‘s triumphant return we’re going back all the way to a seminal moment in Wes’ very first feature film.

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The Musical Wes Anderson: The Kinks – “This Time Tomorrow” “Strangers” “Powerman”

After a brief Holiday break we’re back with the third installment of The Musical Wes Anderson, this time with a musical triptych by The Kinks.

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The Musical Wes Anderson: Peter Sarstedt – “Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)?”

In the second installment of our on-going weekly series The Musical Wes Anderson we stay in Europe, and take a look at a plaintive folk hit.

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The Musical Wes Anderson: France Gall – “Poupée de cire, poupée de son”

Part of the reason for our lack of posts is because there’s not a whole lot to report on at the moment in the world of Wes Anderson.

With that in mind, The Rushmore Academy is proud to present our new series: The Musical Wes Anderson.

Each week we’ll post at a song featured in one of Wes’ works, whether they be films long, films short or commercial advertisements and we’ll take a look at the history of the song, its use in the Anderson work, and a whole bunch of other tangential stuff and what not that we come up with that week.

For the first part in our (presumably endless) series let’s take a look to the past, all the way December 2008.

Continue reading “The Musical Wes Anderson: France Gall – “Poupée de cire, poupée de son””